What are Some Advantages to Commuting to College?

There are many personal and financial advantages to commuting to college, but many high school counselors and college enrollment advisors usually stress the importance of living on campus. After most students start commuting to college, they quickly realize there are excellent benefits.


Students who commute to school will need to pay the costs of gas or public transportation, but those who live on-campus will need to pay rent and various fees. Most people think that living geographically close to the school is advantageous because they can simply walk to where they need to go, but this actually consumes too much time and energy. Students who live on campus will need to use their loan money to help pay for room and board. In the real world, it is inappropriate to use personal debt money to pay for food or rent. Assuming that the student lives at school, a commuter will be able to better utilize their loan money by paying back their tuition faster. Exclusive and inexpensive on-campus programs and amenities will still be available to students who commute.

Related: What Expenses Other Than Tuition and Housing are Common in College?

Better Environment

Some people deride college students who live at home because they claim this is an indication of being not self-reliant and independent from parents. Most families strongly support higher education, so the college student who lives at home will have family members who support, encourage and motivate. Most homes are decidedly tidier and cleaner than dorms and collective showers. Living with roommates who are messy or unfriendly is a common source of stress for many college students. Living at home will most likely guarantee a quiet environment for studying and relaxing. It will reduce the problems associated with loud parties that distract from studying or sleeping.

Improved Relationships

Maturing into a responsible adult isn’t always problem free, but students who wholeheartedly focus on studying while living at home will most likely enjoy a better relationship with their parents. As students mature and take on responsibility, there will probably be less tension when it comes to asking for financial assistance from parents. This is especially true for students who work while also attending school. Living at home and making the right choices will earn respect from family members, who will be more supportive of academic activities. As a result of being able to save money by living at home, college graduates will enter the workforce with less overbearing student debts.

Commuting Caveats

While there are many advantages to commuting to college, there are a few potential drawbacks. Bear in mind that introverted individuals who want to meet people and become more socially active may struggle if they live at home. Be sure to participate in activities, attend sporting events and join study groups. Sometimes, commuter students may receive less scholarship money because certain programs feel that have less upfront costs. A surprising amount of schools and scholarship organizations forget that commuters still have pressing costs Most professors do not distinguish between on-campus residents and commuter students. This means that if there are transportation problems, the professors will most likely hold the commuter to the same standard.

Overall, the advantages to commuting to college clearly outweigh any potential drawbacks.