Many individuals don’t have a concrete idea of their study goals when they enter college, which means they apply with an undeclared major. This means that your curriculum is, at least at first, unformed beyond the basic lower division requirements. If you’re in this position, you may wonder if there are limitations to the length of time you can continue in this way.
Below, we’ll explore why declaring a major is important and the point at which you should select your path.
It’s Not the End of the World
There are proponents within the educational community that frame the non-specified student career in highly negative terms. It may feel as if you’re being pressured to declare who you are as a human being and validate your presence in the halls of academia. The truth is that it isn’t the end of the world to begin college without a defined idea of where you’re headed. It’s the job of advisors to encourage you to select a direction, which can take on some rather onerous language. However, the sky won’t fall if you enter your second year without opting into a particular major.
That’s right. While some institutions have defined policies about the time in which you must select a path, there’s almost always some leeway. This can give you time to complete basic classes that everyone must take, regardless of field declaration. But there are good reasons why giving it some serious thought is to your benefit. For one, many courses just above the basic level have defined prerequisite classes. If you aren’t certain of your path, this can lead to time and money waste on your part. This is why most institutions will increasingly pressure you to declare a major within the first three or four semesters of attendance.
Making the Most of Resources
If you simply can’t put a finger on what you’d like to do, there are resources available to assist you. Career counseling centers are incredibly helpful. You can take informal aptitude tests, gather literature on various careers and majors, talk to experts who are trained to offer you useful information focused on a particular field, and so much more. There’s also the option to audit classes, although that’s not a primary method commonly encouraged among those who are just beginning their student careers.
Related: What Majors are the Most Popular in College?
You can also visit your educational counselor assigned to you to discuss course options, and discover more about prospective fields of interest to you. These individuals have been trained to assist you in crafting a degree program that is both satisfying and useful. They will assist you in scheduling your semester course loads, managing substitutions, and even crafting your electives to give you the most personal benefit.
So, while it’s perfectly alright to take a couple of semesters to explore your options, talk to students and faculty, and do a bit of self-discovery, it’s typically advised that you make a declaration of major within the first three semesters of your undergraduate career. You aren’t alone, and you aren’t without resources to explore all the wonderful options at your avail. In some cases, entering college without choosing a field is far preferable to changing course dramatically midway through your studies.
If you are considering applying to college as an undeclared major, simply make it your mission to discover your passion, thereby maximizing the benefit of your college experience.